Bollywood dance consists of various Indian and western dance forms, primarily inspired from the music of Bollywood (the Indian film industry). There is a strong influence from the world of classical Indian dance, but as it continues to gain exposure in the global market, Bollywood dance is also influenced by other dance forms such as Flamenco, Belly dance, and Hip Hop. Taking the main flavour from Bollywood music, Bollywood Grooves combines the beauty and grace from classical Indian dance, the fierceness and energy of Bhangra, the passion of Latin, the groove from Street/Hip Hop and the spice of Middle Eastern dance styles, and fuses it into one energetic dance form. Choreographer Lopa Sarkar trained in Toronto for 20 years in the classical Indian dance form of Bharatanatym, performing in Canada and the U.S.
After completing her MBA at the Schulich School of Business, she moved to London (U.K.) where she spent two years choreographing, performing and teaching Bollywood dance with three companies. While in the UK, she worked with Bollywood choreographer Pappu-Malu (of Devdas) and performed on stage with Malaika Arora. She was seen on BBC, Zee TV, and Sony Television. Bollywood Grooves, recently renamed Divine Heritage Artistry, has given many memorable performances including The Canadian Hairstylist of the Year Awards (The 2006 Contessa Awards), The Luminato Festival including the Luminato Luminaries Gala, the Mayor of London, England’s India Now celebrations, Bolly meets Belly spectacular for the Armani Party at the ROM, and even at The Skydome for the NBA Toronto Raptors. In addition, the troupe has done several film and TV projects.